In our digital era, companies must consider a disaster recovery plan within their IT. A prepared IT causes a disaster to be reversed by 24.6%.
It is vital for IT to design their strategies so that operations and business continuity are not affected. Solid data backup and recovery will be an excellent place to start. Data loss is considered to be:
22% of small businesses that reopen after an attack do not survive 8 months.
38% of companies do not reopen.
62% of companies have experienced a cyber-attack in the last year.
These numbers are not encouraging; therefore, organizations are under pressure from regulatory compliance and are under the obligation to take action to internal mandates in the design and implementation of disaster recovery plans.
Does your company have the basic actions in place to implement your disaster plan?
Do you think your disaster plan is the right one?
At C3X Solutions we provide organizations with disaster recovery maturity assessments aligned with ISO 22301.
We assess your disaster plan, identify critical areas, and provide you with a roadmap containing all the elements necessary to increase the maturity level of your recovery plan.
By simulating a disaster with an outdated recovery plan, organizations have no idea where to direct their efforts to improve operational capabilities. Our business impact analysis provides a diagnosis of the impacts that an event could cause.
We work in conjunction with the areas involved in:
At C3X Solutions we work with you in the development of a strategy that will provide you with a successful disaster recovery, our consultants bring to your plan the knowledge and experience to: